As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity and can start to droop and sag. This is a natural part of ageing, but can cause some people to lose confidence in their appearance. The effects of ageing can be quickened by excessive alcohol consumption or by tobacco use. Wrinkles, a sign of aging, is formed because of the repeated contraction of the underlying muscles. Anti wrinkle injections can help to reduce the lines on your face and help you achieve a even better smile when combined with other cosmetic dental procedures.

What are Anti Wrinkle Injections?

Anti Wrinkle Injects contain the purified form of botulinum toxin, and are sometimes referred to as botox injections.

How Do Injections Work?

Cosmetic injectables are used to help reduce and eliminate creases and wrinkles in the skin. Cosmetic injections consist of muscle relaxants that block chemical signals from nerves that instruct the muscles to contract. In essence, cosmetic injections cause the facial muscles of the face to temporarily relax and therefore allowing the skin to repair itself, remove/reduce existing wrinkles and become smoother overtime whilst the  muscles underneath are unable to contract.

Benefits of Anti Wrinkle Injections

  • Great way to soften wrinkles and to prevent future wrinkles and lines.
  • Quick, Not painful, we don’t even need anaesthetics!
  • Don’t involve Surgery and minimally invasive.
  • Quick recovery time.

How Long does Anti Wrinkle Injections last?

Results generally take three to ten days to manifest and the treatment is effective for between three and six months

How long will the appointment take?

The Appointment will usually take between 30 – 45 minutes, including the free consultation

What should I expect after the appointment?

There may be some pin-point redness on the skin at the site of injection for about half an hour. It will go away quite quickly after the treatment.

There may be also a small chance of minor bruising if you are generally prone to bruising with other things as well.

What do I need to avoid after anti wrinkle injections?

Avoid exercise and alcohol for 24 hours after the treatment as it may affect the longevity of the result.

Anti Wrinkle Injections and Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder

Anti wrinkle injections also serve as an effective treatment for severe pain resulting from multiple oral health conditions. Teeth clenching, teeth grinding (bruxism) and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain have been shown as treatable using botulinum toxin injections. The treatment relaxes the muscles in sore areas by blocking the nerve endings connected to the muscle fibres. This slows down the muscles’ overactive state, often for several months. When nerve endings regenerate, they are usually more relaxed and this further reduces any clenching or grinding that is the source of pain.

How Much Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Cost?

The cost of cosmetic injections varies depending on the application of the treatment. You may use the following pricing guide as a reference:

  • Frownlines: $180
  • Forehead creases $180
  • Frownlines + Forehead Creases: $300
  • Crows Feet: $240
  • Forehead + frown lines + crow’s feet: $500.
  • Gummy smile treatment: $120
  • Jaw clenching treatment: $650

If you are interested in learning more about botox injections, contact Central Brunswick Dental Centre today via our contact page to schedule an appointment. We can help you enhance the appearance of your dento-facial area today.

If you or your family need a general check-up or any other dental work, please call to make a booking for a consultation with Dr Lawrence or Dr Yu today For our Chinese speaking community, Dr Jacky Yu will be able to provide his service in Mandrain/Chinese. Our dental clinic in Fortitude Valley in inner Brisbane, is open for business Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Call us today on 07 3216 1100 to book your first appointment or to schedule a regular check-up with our dentists.