How To Prevent Gum Disease And Maintain Healthy Gums 


Maintaining good gum health is important for sustaining good overall oral health. While easily treatable, gum disease still affects 23% of Australians aged 15 years and over every year. Prevention is the best defence when it comes to gum disease. A healthy routine of brushing twice per day and flossing in….

What To Expect During Teeth Whitening Treatments 


Teeth whitening treatments have increased in popularity in recent years due to their increasingly-affordable price tag and good marketing. Teeth whitening treatments are accessible in several forms, including take-home kits, behind-the-counter kits and in-chair treatments. These all work in basically the same manner: a gel is applied to the teeth and….

Teeth Straightening Devices: Causes and Effects 


Teeth straightening devices are extremely useful dental tools that correct misaligned, crooked or gap-filled teeth. Braces or invisalign treatments are relatively simple in terms of their affixation, yet can cause great changes to the shape of teeth and the smile over time. Dental alignment is fundamentally important to the shape of….

The Impact Of Oral Health On Overall Health 


Oral health plays an impact on the overall health of the rest of your body. It’s fundamentally important to maintain good oral health to ensure that your physical health is as strong as it can be. When you do not care for your teeth and mouth, it can impact the rest….

What To Expect During Root Canal Treatment 


If your dentist has informed you that you require a root canal, chances are you probably have a few questions about the procedure. Despite the fact that modern dentistry has rendered root canals completely painless, knowledge is power and it can help to provide peace of mind when you know what….

The Long-Term And Short-Term Effects Of Dental Implants 


Dental implants have become commonplace in dental practice due to their durability, permanency and low-maintenance qualities. Long-term studies demonstrate that dental implants are safe and effective for the vast majority of people. However, there are some risks associated with dental implants that should not be discounted if you are investigating such….